Ballot for Queen's C vs President A vs North South B vs Vellore A Round 9 @ SM 220


This House would abolish primary and secondary school grades/years that group children based on age, and instead group them by competency and intelligence.


  • PM Jake Sullivan 76
  • DPM Olivia Stanton 77
  • Total for Queen's C (Opening Government) 153
  • LO Andin Pratiwi 74
  • DLO Rendy Rachim 73
  • Total for President A (Opening Opposition) 147
  • MG Shadman Karim 77
  • GW Parinda Rahman 78
  • Total for North South B (Closing Government) 155
  • MO Aarushi Mehta 79
  • OW Rajiv Chandrasekhar 77
  • Total for Vellore A (Closing Opposition) 156