Ballot for Denver B vs Nazarbayev A vs Montreal A vs Glasgow B Round 9 @ SM 205


This House would abolish primary and secondary school grades/years that group children based on age, and instead group them by competency and intelligence.


  • PM David Wollins 77
  • DPM Cidney Fisk 76
  • Total for Denver B (Opening Government) 153
  • LO Shynar Akhmetova 75
  • DLO Aknazar Ali 75
  • Total for Nazarbayev A (Opening Opposition) 150
  • MG Coraline Martin 75
  • GW Pierre-Dominique Ancel 74
  • Total for Montreal A (Closing Government) 149
  • MO Alexander Fraser 77
  • OW Bronagh Hughes 75
  • Total for Glasgow B (Closing Opposition) 152