Ballot for Berkeley B vs Macau B vs Gadjah Mada B vs Kwame Nkrumah A Round 9 @ SG 431


This House would abolish primary and secondary school grades/years that group children based on age, and instead group them by competency and intelligence.


  • PM Laurel McGrane 74
  • DPM Nathaniel Mahowald 73
  • Total for Berkeley B (Opening Government) 147
  • LO Yongyi Zhou 77
  • DLO Ando Awayuki 77
  • Total for Macau B (Opening Opposition) 154
  • MG Farhan Zuhdi 75
  • GW Rafly Rizky 74
  • Total for Gadjah Mada B (Closing Government) 149
  • MO Abena Achiaa 76
  • OW Akosua Darko-Mensah 76
  • Total for Kwame Nkrumah A (Closing Opposition) 152